Arts & Humanities, Liberal Arts
Scholarships, Fellowships
Postdoctoral Research Awards for Students

Architecture, Arts and Humanities, Interior Design, Liberal Arts, Planning, Religion

K12 College Graduate Postgrad
Nationally Coveted College—Graduate School Study Abroad Biomedical Internships
Hispanics—Latinos High School Seniors Teachers Summer Internships
Minorities Engineers—Computer Sci. Medical School Ethnic Groups
Minority Health High School Students Public Health Library Studies—History
Women Biology—Environmental Sci. Cancer Research Media Communications
African Americans Physical Sciences—Math Nurses Free Scholarships
Native Americans Social Sciences Arts—Humanities Updates
CDC Fellowships DOE Internships Most Popular NSF Fellowships

National Gallery of Art — Interns and Fellows


Graduate Internships

Jan 12
Internships in the museum profession, graduate curatorial internships, summer internships,and unpaid internships and research assistantships. .

Curatorial Fellowships

Jan 12
A postgraduate fellowship provides curatorial training and supports scholarly research related to the collections of the National Gallery of Art. A second postgraduate fellowship encourages students to explore interpretive careers in art museums, whether as future museum educators or curators; to strengthen the profession of museum educator within the art museum community; to strengthen ties between museum educators and curators in the shared task of interpretive programming in art museums; and to expand the range of promising career options available to students of art history and related fields. .

Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Conservation Fellowships

Fellowships to enable graduates of conservation programs to participate in the Gallery's mission to care for the collections. The program allows novice conservators to practice and refine their skills through the examination and treatment of works of art. .

Smithsonian Institution — Fellowship and Internship Opportunities

Graduate, Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships

Jan 15
A list of current fellowship opportunities at the Smithsonian, sorted by unit. Use this list to get a better sense about where you might like to pursue a fellowship at the Smithsonian. .

Smithsonian American Art Museum Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships in American Art and Visual Culture

Jan 15
The Smithsonian American Art Museum and its Renwick Gallery invite applications for research fellowships in art and visual culture of the United States. Fellowships are residential and support full-time independent and dissertation research. .

American Antiquarian Society — Fellowships

Short-TermVisiting Academic Research Fellowships

Jan 15
Academic research fellowships tenable for one to three months each year. Available for scholars holding the Ph.D. and for doctoral candidates engaged in dissertation research. Candidates holding a recognized terminal degree appropriate to the area of proposed research, such as the master's degree in library science or M.F.A., are also eligible to apply. .

Fellowships for Creative and Performing Artists and Writers

Oct 5
Visiting fellowships for historical research by creative and performing artists, writers, film makers, journalists, and other persons whose goals are to produce imaginative, non-formulaic works dealing with pre-twentieth-century American history. Successful applicants are those whose work is for the general public rather than for academic or educational audiences. .

Hench Post-Dissertation Fellowships

Oct 15
The purpose of the fellowship is to provide the recipient with time and resources to extend research and/or to revise the dissertation for publication. Any topic relevant to the Society's library collections and programmatic scope--that is, American history and culture through 1876--is eligible. Scholars who are no more than three years beyond receipt of the doctorate are eligible to apply for the fellowship. .

Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) — Fellowships

Multi-Country Research Fellowship

Dec 5
The Council of American Overseas Research Centers Multi-Country Research Fellowship Program supports advanced regional or trans-regional research in the humanities, social sciences, or allied natural sciences for U.S. doctoral candidates and scholars who have already earned their Ph.D. Preference will be given to candidates examining comparative and/or cross-regional research. Scholars must carry out research in two or more countries outside the United States, at least one of which hosts a participating American overseas research center. .

American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) — Fellowship Programs


ARIT Summer Fellowships for Intensive Advanced Turkish Language

Feb 5
Held at Bogazici University, Istanbul, summer 2016. The program supports intensive study of advanced Turkish language at Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey, including air fare, tuition, and stipend. .

ARIT/National Endowment for the Humanities Advanced Fellowships for Research in Turkey

Nov 1
The fellowships cover all fields of the humanities, including prehistory, history, art, archaeology, literature, and linguistics as well as interdisciplinary aspects of cultural history for applicants who have completed their academic training. The fellowships may be held for terms ranging from four months to a full year. Stipend per month is $4,200. .

ARIT Fellowships for Research in Turkey

Nov 1
ARIT Fellowships are offered for research in ancient, medieval, or modern times, in any field of the humanities and social sciences. Post-doctoral and advanced doctoral fellowships may be held for various terms, for terms from one month up to one academic year. Stipends range from $2,500 to $15,500. .

American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) — Scholarships and Fellowships

Excavation Fellowships

Feb 15
ASOR provides grant and scholarship support for excavations. Emphasis on providing excavation grants and fellowships that allow individuals to participate in excavations in the Eastern Mediterranean. .

Scholarships and Prizes for the Annual Meeting

ASOR, in cooperation with several foundations and generous donors, provides a number of different scholarships: Student Travel Grants, Foundation for Biblical Archaeology Scholarship, Aviram Prize, Sean Dever Memorial Prize. .

Folger Institute

Research Fellowships

Mar 1
Nov 1

The Folger Shakespeare Library offers residential research Fellowships to encourage use of its exceptional collections and to encourage ongoing cross-disciplinary dialogue among scholars of the early modern period. Each year scholars may compete for a limited number of Long-term and Short-term Fellowships. .

Athenaeum of Philadelphia

Research Fellowships and Internships in Architecture and Building Technology

Mar 1
Senior Fellows must be persons who hold a terminal degree and possess a distinguished record of accomplishment. Internships for periods of up to four months are awarded to graduate students enrolled full time in an architecture or historic preservation program. .

Center for Architecture Foundation — Fellowships and Scholarships

Eleanor Allwork Scholarship — Up to $10,000

Mar 15
Merit-based scholarships support architecture students with demonstrated financial need. .

Center for Architecture Design Scholarship — Up to $5,000

Mar 15
Merit-based scholarships that support students studying architecture or a related discipline with demonstrated financial need. .

Walter A. Hunt, Jr. Scholarship — $7,500 per year for two years

May 15
A two-year scholarship to supplement tuition and related costs only for New York public high school students applying to NAAB-accredited schools of architecture in New York State. .

University of Pennsylvania, Penn Humanities Forum Fellowships


Penn Undergraduate Research Fellowships

Mar 20
These research fellowships cultivate the importance of humanistic thought across all disciplines. The competition is open to any full-time student enrolled in any Penn undergraduate school who is interested in conducting research on some aspect of the Forum's annual theme. .

Penn Faculty Research Fellowships

Mar 15
The Penn Humanities Forum awards a small number of fellowships each year to Penn faculty in the humanities and allied departments. The fellowships are for research that relates to the Forum's theme for the year in which the award is granted. .

Regional Faculty and Professional Mellon Research Fellowships

Mar 15
The Penn Humanities Forum each year offers a small number of $5000 fellowships for standing faculty in the humanities from Philadelphia-area colleges and universities and for directors and curators of Philadelphia-area cultural organizations. .

Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities

Oct 15
The Penn Humanities Forum awards one-year Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships each academic year to junior scholars in the humanities who are not yet tenured (may not be tenured during the fellowship year). .

American Planning Association — Scholarships and Fellowships

College Scholarships and Graduate Fellowships for Minorities and Women — $2,000 to $4,000

Apr 30
The American Planning Association awards are made to students currently enrolled in degree programs in Planning or a closely related field. .

Rice University, Humanities Research Center


Postdoctoral Fellowships

The HRC awards up to three postdoctoral fellowships for two-year appointments. The fellowships are designed to encourage interdisciplinary scholarship and teaching. Fellows teach two courses per academic year, and are expected to make significant progress in their research. .

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation — Fellowships to Assist Research and Artistic Creation


United States and Canadian Competition

Sep 21
Guggenheim Fellowships are intended for men and women who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts. .

American Council of Learned Societies — Fellowships and Grants


Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowships for Recently Tenured Scholars

Sep 18
These fellowships support long-term, unusually ambitious projects in the humanities and related social sciences. The ultimate goal of the project should be a major piece of scholarly work by the applicant. ACLS does not fund creative work (e.g., novels or films), textbooks, straightforward translation, or pedagogical projects. .

Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Dissertation Fellowships in American Art

Oct 22
The Fellowships in American Art are designated for graduate students in any stage of Ph.D. dissertation research or writing. .

Luce/ACLS Program in China Studies

Oct 2
The Committee on Scholarly Communications with China (CSCC) Program awards grants to U.S. scholars for research in China for periods of 4-12 months. .

Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) — Fellowships & Grants


Graduate Student Fellowships

Oct 15
The NDIAS offers fellowships to advanced graduate students for a full academic year (fall and spring semesters, August through May). The Institute also encourages graduate students to address ultimate questions and questions of value while a member of the Institute's academic community. Graduate fellowships range up to a maximum of $25,000 (gross amount) and include a $1,000 research account, office facilities in the Institute, a computer and printer, access to University libraries and other facilities, and weekly Institute seminars and events. .

Residential Fellowships

Oct 15
The NDIAS offers residential fellowships for periods ranging from three weeks to a full academic year (fall and spring semesters, August through May). Fellowships range up to a maximum of $60,000 (gross amount) per academic year (up to a maximum of $30,000 [gross amount] per semester) or pro-rated amounts for shorter periods. In addition, fellows who do not reside in the greater Michiana area are provided with subsidized visiting faculty housing located adjacent to the University during their fellowship. .

Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection — Fellowships


Short-Term Pre-Doctoral Residencies

Dumbarton Oaks offers a limited number of Short-Term Pre-Doctoral Residencies for advanced graduate students who are preparing for their PhD general exams, writing their doctoral dissertations, or expecting relevant final degrees in the field of Byzantine, Pre-Columbian, or Garden and Landscape studies. .

Fellowships, Junior Fellowships and Summer Fellowships

Nov 1
Residential fellowships in three areas of study: Byzantine Studies (including related aspects of late Roman, early Christian, Western medieval, Slavic, and Near Eastern studies), Pre-Columbian Studies (of Mexico, Central America, and Andean South America), and Garden and Landscape Studies. .

Nationally Coveted College—Graduate School Study Abroad Biomedical Internships
Hispanics—Latinos High School Seniors Teachers Summer Internships
Minorities Engineers—Computer Sci. Medical School Ethnic Groups
Minority Health High School Students Public Health Library Studies—History
Women Biology—Environmental Sci. Cancer Research Media Communications
African Americans Physical Sciences—Math Nurses Free Scholarships
Native Americans Social Sciences Arts—Humanities Updates
CDC Fellowships DOE Internships Most Popular NSF Fellowships

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I created this site on 1998-04-22 and revised it on 2024-12-05.
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