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Provides one year of advanced training in clinical oncology at participating US cancer centers to
qualified physicians and dentists from other countries, particularly countries where advanced
training is not readily available.
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The ACSBI fellowship emphasizes the transfer of knowledge from the host institute to others at the
home institute. It offers the fellow the opportunity to be mentored by experts in the chosen field,
receive hands on experience in clinical, behavioral or basic research, intellectual stimulation,
research guidance, narrative transfer and many other opportunities to evolve scientifically and
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Awarded to institutions to support physician training in accredited preventive medicine residency
programs that provide cancer prevention and control research and practice opportunities. Awards are
made for four years.
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The program provides support for innovative educational programs that translate knowledge gained
from research into public health applications. support the development of curricula that bring
recent advances in cancer research, treatment, diagnosis, or other cancer-focused knowledge to a
broad audience. Short-term Educational Programs include workshops or courses that provide novel
cancer-focused state-of-the-art research or methodological knowledge, or evidence-based cancer
prevention and control interventions;Short-term Research Experience Programs: provide participants
with a cancer-focused research training experience in a laboratory or field setting. Institutional
Curriculum Development Projects support the development of curricula that bring recent advances in
cancer research, treatment, diagnosis, or other cancer-focused knowledge to a broad audience.
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The cancer training and career development opportunities on NCI's campus cover a broad spectrum of
disciplines for individuals at career stages ranging from high school students, graduate students,
scientists, clinicians, and healthcare professionals.
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Training toward an MPH degree at an accredited university during the first year, followed by
mentored research with investigators at the NCI. Outstanding opportunities for cutting-edge research
in the basic, quantitative, social and behavioral sciences, and in clinical cancer prevention have
been the hallmarks of the CPFP since its inception in 1987. Furthermore, a partnership between the
NCI and FDA provides opportunities for prevention research in drugs, biologics, and medical devices.
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Science Education Awards for Undergraduate Students, Prizes for Cancer and Cancer-Related Biomedical
Research, Undergraduate Student Caucus and Poster Competition, Meet the Mentor: Undergraduate Focus,
Special Program for High School Students: The Conquest of Cancer and the Next Generation of Cancer
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MaryEllen Locher Foundation scholarships are given to the children of breast cancer patients, either
survivors or deceased. Beginning with the 2014-15 academic year, scholarships are limited to
students residing within a 50-mile radius of Chattanooga, Tennessee.
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Applicants must be a cancer survivor or current patient, between the ages of 18-35, (An exception
will be made if you are 17 and entering college in the fall following application.), US citizen or
permanent resident, attending or planning to attend an accredited college, university or vocational
institution in pursuit of an associate, bachelor, master's, doctorate or certificate as of the fall
following application.
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Provides scholarships to individuals who are interested in and committed to oncology nursing and
pursuing a baccalaureate degree in nursing.
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Provides scholarships to registered nurses who are interested in and committed to oncology nursing
to continue their education by pursuing a master's degree in nursing or are pursuing a post-masters
CNS or NP certificate.
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Provides scholarships to registered nurses who are interested in and committed to oncology nursing
to continue their education by pursuing a doctoral degree.
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This scholarship is available for current year high school graduates who have had childhood cancer
and are residents of Colorado and Montana.
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Breast and Health Disparities Fellowship Programs.
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The grants and fellowships selection process utilizes a research proposal review system similar to
that of the National Institutes of Health. The Foundation supports research that demonstrates
potential for impact on cancer prevention. The Foundation defines cancer prevention as the
"reduction of cancer incidence through research, education and early detection".
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Fellowships provide support to fund and train young immunologists and cancer immunologists at top
universities and research centers around the world.
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The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia offers fellowship opportunities in most medical and surgical
subspecialties. Adolescent medicine allergy and immunology, cardiology/cardiothoracic surgery, child
abuse and neglect, child and adolescent psychiatry, chop/sicot orthopedic, developmental and
behavioral pediatrics, diagnostic pediatric radiology, epilepsy and clinical neurophysiology,
general pediatrics, global health, hospice and palliative medicine, interventional radiology,
leadership education in neurodevelopmental disabilities (lend), neonatal-perinatal medicine,
pediatric anesthesiology, pediatric critical care medicine, pediatric dermatology, pediatric
emergency medicine, pediatric endocrinology, pediatric gastroenterology, pediatric hospital and
outcomes research training program (pheot), pediatric hematology/oncology, pediatric infectious
diseases, pediatric multiple sclerosis, pediatric nephrology, pediatric neuro-oncology, pediatric
neuroradiology, pediatric nutrition, pediatric oculoplastic surgery, pediatric ophthalmology,
pediatric orthopedics, pediatric otolaryngology, pediatric pathology, pediatric pharmacoepidemiology
training program (pptp), pediatric pulmonology, pediatric radiology, pediatric rheumatology,
pediatric sleep research, pediatric surgery (general, thoracic and fetal), prenatal diagnosis and
fetal therapy, physical therapy neonatology, psychology, sports medicine, urolog.
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The Foundation encourages all theoretical and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer
and the search for cancer causes, mechanisms, therapies and prevention.
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Programs aimed at encouraging and advancing the work of early career cancer researchers with high
promise. Each program is designed to address a need or fill a gap in cancer research funding.
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The Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award supports independent young physician-scientists
conducting disease-oriented research that demonstrates a high level of innovation and creativity.
The goal is to support the best young physician-scientists doing work aimed at improving the
practice of cancer medicine.
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Applications are invited from junior scientists wishing to complete their training in those aspects
of cancer research related to the Agency's mission: to coordinate and conduct both epidemiological
and laboratory research into the causes and prevention of cancer. Disciplines covered are:
epidemiology (including genetic and molecular), biostatistics, bioinformatics, and areas related to
mechanisms of carcinogenesis including molecular and cell biology, molecular genetics, epigenetics,
and molecular pathology. There is an emphasis on interdisciplinary projects.
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This award is for a qualified and experienced senior investigator with recent publications in
international peer-reviewed scientific journals who wishes to spend from six to twelve months at the
IARC working on a collaborative project in a research area related to the Agency's programs. The
major areas of activity are focused on understanding cancer etiology (including infections,
nutrition, lifestyle, environment, radiation, genetics), developing strategies for cancer prevention
(primary prevention, screening, implementation research) and elucidating the underlying mechanisms
of carcinogenesis through studies of molecular and cell biology, molecular genetics, epigenetics and
molecular pathology. The Agency also has strong programs dedicated to describing the global cancer
burden and to the evaluation of carcinogenicity through its Monographs Program. There is an emphasis
on interdisciplinary work in the Agency's research activities as well as a focus on biostatistics,
bioinformatics and related methodological developments.
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The fellowships provide opportunities for professional development for cancer investigators,
clinicians, nurses, and cancer society staff and volunteers.
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The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS's) academic grants support and encourage basic and
translational leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma research. LLS investigators are outstanding scientists
at the forefront of leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma research at centers throughout the world. We
award academic grants for studies that range from basic blood cancer research to research that uses
the latest tools of genomics.
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The Leukemia Research Foundation exclusively funds New Investigators — individuals beginning
to establish their own laboratories that are no longer under the tutelage of a senior scientist
mentor. .
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These programs attract postdoctoral fellows and young physicians to the field of lymphoma and
support their training in lymphoma and clinical research.
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The fellowships prepare physicians for leadership roles in the care of people with cancer around the
world. The training ground includes Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Allied Diseases. The proximity
and affiliation with New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, Weill Cornell
Graduate School of Medical Sciences, and The Rockefeller University also allows the trainees to
become part of a world-class medical and scientific community.