Media Communications: Scholarships
Fellowships and Postdoctoral Research Awards

Advertising, Communications, Filmmaking, Journalism, Marketing, Motion Pictures, Print, Radio, Television, Writing

K12 College Graduate Postgrad
Nationally Coveted College—Graduate School Study Abroad Biomedical Internships
Hispanics—Latinos High School Seniors Teachers Summer Internships
Minorities Engineers—Computer Sci. Medical School Ethnic Groups
Minority Health High School Students Public Health Library Studies—History
Women Biology—Environmental Sci. Cancer Research Media Communications
African Americans Physical Sciences—Math Nurses Free Scholarships
Native Americans Social Sciences Arts—Humanities Updates
CDC Fellowships DOE Internships Most Popular NSF Fellowships

U.S. National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute


NCI Communications Fellowship (NCF)

Feb 13
The NCI Communications Fellowship (NCF) gives highly-qualified graduate students and recent graduate degree recipients the opportunity to participate in vital communications projects across the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

East-West Center — Scholarships and Fellowships


Journalism Fellowships and Exchanges in the Asia Pacific Region

Jan 27
Journalism fellowships and exchanges for working American and Asia Pacific journalists promote understanding of the complexities of the Asia Pacific region through study tours. Intensive dialogue with colleagues, government officials, business executives and community leaders provides participants with a means to broaden their network of contacts.


Tuition Scholarships in Motion Picture Filmmaking

These highly competitive awards are given to students demonstrating superior professional filmmaking production skills and creativity along with academic success. Participating worldwide colleges and universities that offer a degree or diploma program in film, film production, or cinematography may nominate up to two students each year for consideration.

Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation

Summer Internships

Mar 15
The TV Academy Foundation's summer Student Internship Program provides over 40 industry-wide internships to college students nationwide. The program gives both undergraduate and graduate students in-depth exposure to professional television production during an eight-week summer period in Los Angeles.

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) — Fellowships

Mass Media Science and Engineering College and Graduate Fellowships

Jan 1
The 10-week summer program places graduate and post-graduate level science, engineering and mathematics students at media organizations nationwide. Fellows have worked as reporters, editors, researchers and production assistants.

The Fund for American Studies (TFAS)


Robert Novak Journalism Fellowships

Feb 9
Fellowships for print and online journalists who share the mission of advancing constitutional principles, a democratic society and a vibrant free enterprise system.

American Medical Association, Education and Research Foundation — Financing Medical School


Physicians of Tomorrow Scholarships in Medical Journalism

The AMA Foundation has made it a priority to assist medical students in handling the rising cost of medical education. The Physicians of Tomorrow Awards were created to provide financial assistance to medical students facing spiraling medical school debt. Physicians of Tomorrow Award, supported by the Johnson F. Hammond, MD, Fund: Selection is based on a commitment to a career in medical journalism.

U.S. Department of State, Fulbright Fellowship Program


Berlin Capital Program

Jul 3
The program invites 15 young American journalists and students of journalism to Germany to participate in an intensive series of seminars, presentations, and visits to important German media and German political and cultural institutions. The one-week program is conducted in English. German language proficiency is not required. Through observation, discussion, and research, participants will experience first-hand the German capital city of Berlin, its vibrant and diverse culture, and its fascinating history.



Pulliam Journalism Fellowships

Nov 1
Seeking college students and new graduates with a talent for reporting, news design and graphics, or photojournalism for an exciting and demanding journalism fellowship program.

Media Scholars Foundation


Media Fellowships

Nov 12
These grants support the academic development of undergraduates dedicated to pursuing a career related to the public policy advertising industry.

Radio-Television News Directors Foundation (RTNDF) — Scholarship & Fellowship Information

Scholarships for Undergraduate and Graduate Students

All scholarships are open to enrolled students (freshmen excluded) who are pursuing careers in radio and television news. Winners are also invited to attend the Exellence in Journalism conference. Candidates must be a full-time college student whose career objective is electronic journalism and have at least one full year of college remaining. To receive an award, winners must be officially enrolled in college and be in good standing.

Scholarships for Graduate Students

Fellowships for journalists.

Washington State College of Communication — Scholarships and Awards

Communication and Society Scholarships

Journalism and Media Production Scholarships

Strategic Communication Scholarships

Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation


The Kaiser Media Internships in Health Reporting

The Kaiser Media Internships in Health Reporting is for early career U.S. journalists interested in specializing in health reporting. The program provides an intensive introduction and practical experience reporting on health issues based at newsrooms across the U.S.

HIV/AIDS Resources for Journalists: The Kaiser Media Fellowship Program

Tools for Reporting on HIV/AIDS. These tools, including the Reporter's Manual on HIV/AIDS, The Kaiser AIDS Timeline, and pages with country-specific data among others, will help you navigate through the Kaiser Family Foundation's current work and resources on HIV/AIDS.

Interamerican Press Association


Scholarships for Young Journalists and Journalism School Students

U.S. and Canadian scholars spend an academic year studying and reporting in Latin America and the Caribbean, and Latin American and Caribbean scholars spend an academic year studying at a recognized U.S. or Canadian journalism school.
Nationally Coveted College—Graduate School Study Abroad Biomedical Internships
Hispanics—Latinos High School Seniors Teachers Summer Internships
Minorities Engineers—Computer Sci. Medical School Ethnic Groups
Minority Health High School Students Public Health Library Studies—History
Women Biology—Environmental Sci. Cancer Research Media Communications
African Americans Physical Sciences—Math Nurses Free Scholarships
Native Americans Social Sciences Arts—Humanities Updates
CDC Fellowships DOE Internships Most Popular NSF Fellowships

For questions or comments, please send e-mail to Paco Tomei.
Copyright © 1998-2024 Francisco (Paco) A Tomei Torres .
I created this site on 1998-04-22 and revised it on 2024-12-05.
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